Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Present

Usually we leave the storytelling to Charles, but I wanted a record of the pregnancy. So, here it goes...

All has gone surprisingly well so far. I took my first pregnancy test on November 2nd. I thought it would be a fun birthday present. And, it was positive. We're thinking conception was somewhere around October 7th.

We decided not to tell the grandparents to be until Christmas. It was a bit difficult to keep it a secret for so long, but it was worth it. Bill and Kay came out for Thanksgiving and were actually witness to my first and only bout of real morning sickness. We blamed it on a 24 hour bug and all was overlooked. =)

We had a big plan for the "reveal" on Christmas, but as always, things didn't go exactly as planned. We had printed out copies of the first ultrasound and put them in baby frames to be unwrapped. Unfortunately, Chuck's parents weren't able to make the trip. Kay was having a flare up of gout and Bill was having a bit of dizzyness. We ended up telling them on the phone Friday night.

My parents were here and got to unwrap the present on Christmas eve. My mom was looking at it and couldn't figure out what the picture was (it was pretty dark) and I told her to give it to my dad. He looked at it for a minute and finally looked at the frame itself. I wish I had a picture of his jaw dropping. No one was prepared for the news. Turns out all four parents had given up on grandchildren in the near future. Needless to say, it was a fun holiday.